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Grandmother dead for 45 minutes was brought back to life at the same time her granddaughter was born



For 45 minutes, this grandmother was clinically dead while her daughter was having a long and difficult labor in the same hospital. That day, doctors saw two different miracles take place in two different rooms at almost the same time. Officials say that they brought the grandmother back to life and also delivered the baby safely via emergency C-section.

It was on July 2, 2021, when the grandmother named Kathy Patten received a call from her daughter, Stacey. Stacey told her that she was in labor, and Kathy immediately made it to the GM Medical Center.

However, while Stacey was going through her 39-hour long labor, Kathy suffered a heart attack and reached a point where she had no heart rate, pulse, or oxygen. Kathy was clinically dead for 45 minutes, but doctors continued trying to revive her.

Meanwhile, Stacey was having labor problems of her own. Her little one was stuck in the birth canal and led to doctors deciding to perform an emergency C-section on her. All this was happening while Stacey’s mother was a few rooms away, having intense CPR performed on her. Finally, doctors saw their first miracle that day as they managed to bring Kathy back to life.

“I’m so grateful God gave me a second chance. I’m just going to be the best person I can be,”  Kathy said, as quoted by CBS. “It’s very scary, coming back is a second chance of life.”

Almost simultaneously, the second miracle took place as the doctors brought Stacey’s baby girl, Alora, safely into this world.

“It was just fate that my Mom was supposed to be here. It was ultimately because of Alora that my Mom is here and happened to be at the right place at the right time,” Stacey said. “She truly is a walking miracle.”

Currently, Kathy is loving her time doting on her eighth grandchild, Alora, and has made a full recovery from the incident. Despite her heart having completely stopped, she came out without any damage to her brain and is grateful for the doctors’ wonderful work. Two of the doctors that jumped into action when Kathy had a cardiac arrest were Dr. Dov Frankel and Dr. David Vitberg.

“From the bottom of my heart, there are no words to express everything everyone has done here for me,” Kathy said.

“I’m honored to be here, to be around so many wonderful people that believe in what Dr. Frankel said—treat a person, not a patient, like they want to live. It’s amazing,” the grandmother added.

On the other hand, Dr. Frankel believes it is Kathy who should be thanked. “You asked why we didn’t give up. We didn’t give up because you didn’t give up,” the doctor said. “You were going to survive.” Dr. Vitberg also added, “Nobody was going to stop. Nobody was going to relent from anything they were doing. We wanted you to survive more than anything else.”

Seeing both Kathy and Alora thriving is a sight that the doctors at the hospital very much needed. “It gave us all a very much-needed reset. It hit the reset button,” said Dr. Vitberg. “We needed you to come visit your daughter. We needed your story. We needed you to come visit us today because we needed to be lifted up.”

