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After Voting for Second Garbage Impeachment, GOP Senator Bill Cassidy Is ‘Object of Shame’ In Louisiana



LOUISIANA – Louisiana Senator Cassidy is not well-liked now in Louisiana.  Once he decided to vote for the second garbage impeachment of President Trump, any backing he had was gone.

Bill Cassidy was on the ballot in Louisiana last November just as President Trump was. Cassidy managed a similar percentage of the vote in the Bayou State that night — 59 percent to Trump’s 58 percent.

But if you think Cassidy’s popularity back home corresponds to that of Trump, think again. Especially after Cassidy twice joined with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Mazie Hirono to validate the Democrats’ kangaroo-court post-presidential impeachment last month.

There are billboards all over Louisiana with Cassidy’s image and “OBJECT OF SHAME” in large letters, a reference to the characterization of Cassidy by the East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Party after his vote in favor of the impeachment trial’s constitutionality. His staff had all but given up answering the phone by the second week of February, so brutal and voluminous were the calls expressing outrage at his impeachment votes. The state GOP censured him with a savage statement following his vote to convict Trump.

It turns out Louisiana’s voters aren’t much for the kangaroos.

Cassidy also stated on CNN this past weekend:

During an appearance Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, Cassidy warned his party that if it does not shift its focus to the issues, GOP candidates will lose in upcoming elections. “Political campaigns are about winning,” Cassidy said. “Our agenda does not move forward unless we win. We need a candidate who can not only win himself or herself, but we also have to have someone who lifts all boats. And that’s clearly not happened over the last four years.”

The Spectator notes that this all may be because Cassidy may not be running his household:

A friend who spent some time on Cassidy’s staff put it this way:

It is no secret to anyone from Baton Rouge that Senator Bill Cassidy really is the co-Senator from Louisiana, as his wife Laura influences his rhetoric, opinions, and how he votes. In that world Laura is the alpha, and Bill parroting her out of touch elitism is merely so he can have a good night of sleep. #HappyWifeHappyLife.

A lot of people back home have been whispering this for a long time. Now it’s beginning to be more than a whisper.

The Cassidy’s are politicians who have no idea what America wants.  They shouldn’t be in the Republican Party unless the Republican party doesn’t want Trump.  If that is the case, the sooner the better Americans find that out.  Right now, based on the leadership in the GOP Party, the Cassidys may be right.  For being doctors they’re not too bright, Americans want better.

