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Answers to all your travel questions in 2020



MONROE, La. – If a journey of a thousand miles truly begins with a single step, then, I do believe travel took a babystep last week.

For the first time in a couple of months, there was a slight pivot, and it made me think how very much we are like the gray whales. Every February, these amazing mammals leave the wonderfully warm waters of Cabo, Mexico and make a 7000 mile journey to Alaska.  Their mission is to be feasting in the rich fertile waters of Alaska by late May. Like the whales, it seems we,too, have something inherently ingrained in us that  makes Memorial Day our green light to get out of town and go play!

Now, don’t get me wrong, this mindset shift is definitely not as remarkable as we have seen in the past when phones at Monroe Travel Service were ringing off the walls and we were struggling to find seats on packed flights, but for an industry wallowing in doom and gloom, even a small glimmer of hope is most welcomed!

