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Battling breast cancer in the middle of a pandemic; Hear the story of one Louisiana woman’s fight



MONROE, La. — 31-year-old Audrey Harvey went to her first ever mammogram back in March of 2020 just as the pandemic first started. Then after she had a biopsy done, it was confirmed she had breast cancer.

“When I went in there I thought I would just be in and out, get my results ina  week and get my results just like every other test….not the case. It was absolutely crazy and scary,” said Audrey Harvey, Cancer Survivor.

Harvey says for every appointment, her family wasn’t even allowed to be physically in the room with her due to the pandemic similar to other patients in hospitals around the country.

“I’ve had them on the phone or on Facetime, but its been pretty scary,” said Harvey.

Through the roughly 10 months in her battle with cancer and despite the hardships she faced, Harvey continued to persevere.

“I have learned that I was much tougher person than I thought I was. I always thought I was a pretty strong person. I really leaned on the bible and i’ve been able to do a lot more than I ever imagined i thought I could, which is insane and you find it out in the middle of a pandemic and cancer and you’re like what in the world,” said Harvey.

Now heading in to 2021 with a new mindset, Harvey says her battle will never be forgotten.

“This will be a year to remember for more than one reason. This community is beyond amazing. To be part of Monroe’s community is something special,” said Harvey.

Harvey had 6 rounds of chemo and surgery a month later, then started her 32 treatments of radiation. On January 5th, Harvey was pronounced cancer free.

