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COVID-19 vaccine trial coming to Monroe



MONROE, La. – Residents of the Monroe area could be able to participate in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine trial as early as the middle of August.

According to Clinical Trials of America CEO Jeb Andrews, Monroe will get 1,500 doses.

Requirements for the trial include:

  • Must be 18 or older
  • You cannot be pregnant or plan to get pregnant during the study
  • People can not have had a positive test for active COVID-19 previously. Antibody testing is okay.
  • No history of Guillian Barre Syndrome
  • Must have no other serious or uncontrolled medical conditions
  • No cancer within two years, other than skin cancer
Andrews says that 67 percent of participants will receive the live vaccine as opposed to the placebo. Participants will be compensated for time and travel.

