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Dog Allegedly Thrown Repeatedly Against Wall and Killed Deserves Justice



MONROE, La. – A dog was allegedly slammed against a wall repeatedly until he died. Christopher Gilchrist was arrested shortly afterwards for the alleged incident. Gilchrist needs to spend the most time in prison allowed for this crime if it is found he committed this vulgar act of animal cruelty, so that he will not be able to harm more dogs.

According to authorities, there was a massive amount of blood found at the suspect’s home. It was allegedly splattered on the furniture, walls, floors, front door and on a towel. The dog’s battered body was reportedly found in a plastic bag nearby. The suspect apparently told police that he had killed his dog because he had run out of his bipolar medication. However, Gilchrist is responsible for making sure he has the necessary medication on hand to deal with his condition. He has been charged with one count of Aggravated Animal Cruelty.

There is never a good excuse for abusing an innocent dog. Sign this petition, and demand Gilchrist get the severest legal sentence if he is found guilty of this heartless abuse to better ensure other animals are safe.


Dear District Attorney Tew,

Christopher Gilchrist was recently charged with animal cruelty after he allegedly threw his dog against the wall so many times, the animal died. It is important that he be punished to the fullest extent of the law if he is found guilty of hurting his dog in any way so that he will be less likely to commit a similar act in the future.

Police arrived at the suspect’s home shortly after a neighbor called to report the alleged incident. Authorities stated that they found blood in multiple places in the home, including on the front door, floors, walls, as well as on a towel. When questioned about the incident, Gilchrist apparently told authorities that he had committed the crime because he did not have his medication on hand that helped him to cope with his bipolar disease. While it is understandable that individuals who suffer from mental illnesses deal with a greater deal of stress, anyone who needs medication to properly function always needs to make sure they have it available.

Gilchrist’s dog likely suffered a great deal of pain and died a slow and agonizing death if he was forcefully thrown against the wall multiple times as appears to have been the case. We therefore demand that Gilchrist get the harshest legal sentence if he is found guilty of this inexcusable animal abuse.

