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Friday COVID update gives small drop in hospitalizations to Louisiana



MONROE, La. – The Louisiana Department of Health has issued its final COVID update of the week, an update which continues our state’s progress in limiting the virus’s spread.

The state reports 739 new COVID cases today, bringing Louisiana’s confirmed COVID case count to 382,477 since the start of the pandemic.

The state’s % positive is 2.9% today with 739 new cases and 24,634 processed tests. At 2.9%, we remain well below 5%, continuing progress. 5% is the benchmark medical experts say shows an area is OK for enhanced re-opening. We’ve been there now for several weeks after a rough winter where our positivity was beyond 10%.

The state reports 16 new COVID deaths, bringing Louisiana’s confirmed COVID death total to 9,353 since the start of the pandemic.

Our hospitalizations continue to hold strong, as well.

The state reports 297 COVID hospitalizations today. That number was 301 yesterday.

In Lafourche, there are 2 new confirmed COVID cases today, bringing parish totals to 7,163.

Our hospitalizations have dropped rapidly in recent weeks from our peak in the winter. Today, our numbers are as low as we’ve seen in the entire pandemic.

The state reports 43 COVID patients on ventilators today. That number was 44 yesterday.

In Region 3, there are 6 COVID hospitalizations, down from 7 yesterday.

There is 1 COVID patient on a ventilator today in the region, the same number we’ve had for many days.

