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In Baton Rouge, Novavax begins trials in children as young as 12



BATON ROUGE, La. – The Novavax vaccine may soon be another tool in the arsenal against COVID. The federal government committed $1.6 billion to the company last July for vaccine development.

That funding included its phase three clinical trials. Some of those trials are happening at the Associates in Pediatric Adolescent Medicine’s office in Baton Rouge.

“We’ve had a fairly large demand and a fairly large response,” Doctor Brannon Perilloux said.

Dr. Perilloux is the trial’s lead investigator. He says the Associates in Pediatric Adolescent Medicine teamed up with Meridian Research to conduct Novavax’s clinical trial here.

The trial began Tuesday for kids 12 to 17 years old. They’ll be monitored for two years and will all eventually get the vaccine even if they start with a placebo.

The hope is the vaccines will be the key to stopping the spread.

“You’re going to get more kids back in school. More kids are going to be protected themselves, so they’re less likely to carry it to adults,” Perilloux said

