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Local non-profit gets help from Monroe construction companies after April tornado



MONROE, La.– Local organizations are still recovering from the tornado that hit Monroe Easter Sunday, including The Wellsprings Alliance.

It’s been 5 months since a tornado left damage to six of The Wellsprings Alliance’s buildings and the process to rebuild is still ongoing. This organization is one of the state’s oldest and most effective nonprofits, so local construction companies are working hard to make sure the wellsprings’ mission isn’t slowed down or compromised due to this natural disaster.

“In our own way, we are helping them do what they do by accomplishing their mission, help women and families in need in the Ouachita Parish area,” said, Jon McCartney, General Manager of 318 Construction.

The Wellspring Alliance is considered a staple in Monroe, helping millions of women, kids, and families for almost 90 years. Officials say it’s important now, more than ever, to have the resources they need to be a helping hand and a safeguard in our community.

“The demand for our services has grown with the coronavirus as well as the hurricane and tornado and things like that. We’re having to add staff. We need to get back to our spots because we are kind of spread throughout the community,” said Caroline Cascio, President of The Wellspring Alliance

While The Wellsprings Alliance is a historic non-profit, so are their buildings. Some of these buildings are 80 to 100 years old and construction workers say they’re not easy to fix. However, 318 Construction and Rough Cuts Construction are doing their best to save the history in these walls.

“Everything is going to match on the outside, our trim work, dental molding, our crown, all of that stuff is going to flow and match. It’s going to look really good, but the inside is what we are having to build differently,” said Joseph Frost, sub-contractor/ owner-operator of Rough Cuts Construction.

These local construction companies are doing more than taking a chainsaw to the building, but really making sure those who are in the program are safe and have a roof over their head.

“It’s an organization that is a great asset and benefit to our community. We want to make sure that we aren’t just coming in doing the work, and moving on. We come in and leave them a safe and secure properly built structure,” said McCartney.

