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Monroe community responds to coronavirus outbreaks around the world



MONROE, La. — As coronavirus continues to spread, people in Monroe have mixed feelings about the outbreaks.

“It could be a major issue, but it’s one of those things like it’s blown way out of proportion just a little bit,” said Devin Ford.

“It makes me really want to wash my hands several times a day or even wear a mask when speaking to people inches like we are,” said a Monroe resident.

Some stores around the city are even selling out of hand sanitizer or running low on hand soap since many people are buying it to stock up. “Yes I noticed that and I did buy some because I am a beautician, so I am around people all day long and I work at a beauty school so it’s hectic,” said a Monroe resident.

But like the virus itself, there are mixed feelings about stocking up on certain items.

“No we’re not gonna do it like in the year 2000 when they said to stock up on everything,” said Ray Douglas.

Pushing all feelings aside, some people say it is important to get ready for the virus in the event it makes its way to Monroe. “Well, I think people need to prepare for it because it’s getting closer and closer to home,” said Douglas.

“There’s a bit of misconception about the whole thing. A lot of cases are pretty mild, but you can’t–worrying about it is not going to make it any better. You really just have to take the proper precautions,” said Justin McWilliams.

