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Monroe non-profit gave out 125 turkeys to families in need for Thanksgiving



MONROE, La. – Giving back is oftentimes a Thanksgiving tradition, but this year, the need for food is more present than ever. Former Monroe City Council Member and President of P.E.E.P, Kenneth Wilson, spent the day giving back to the community.

“It means a whole lot. It is a real blessing that we can have this for thanksgiving,” said Brenda Ingram, Turkey Recipient.

Positive Enterprise for Empowering the People, also known as P.E.E.P, helped 125 families this year.
They gave out turkeys, side dishes, and even provided a hot meal for them to eat today.

“It is an annual event every year and the people here really enjoy it. They seem very very thankful for what he is doing in this community,” said Johnnie Thomas, P.E.E.P. Board Members.

Some families say after the year we’ve had, its taught them to be thankful for the little things.

“The tornados and all that, people going through a lot and this helping them pull through,” said Ingram. “We realize every day is a day of thanksgiving and this means so much to help the other people,” said Thomas.

P.E.E.P has been providing Thanksgiving meals for over 25 years, helping thousands of people. For some families, these free turkeys are the only way they get to have a Thanksgiving with their family..

“They helped us, they bless me every year and I appreciate them so much. Kenneth Wilson is a good man. If it wouldn’t be for him, I don’t know what these people would do,” said Ingram.

P.E.E.P. officials say they will deliver Christmas bags next month to a senior center. In addition, 50 gift cards will be given out to local kids right here at the P.E.E.P. building. You can visit their office, located at 1411Orange Street, to sign up.

