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NELA Veterans Home reports 9 COVID-19 positives, including 1 death



MONROE, La. – Nine veterans have tested positive for COVID-19 at the Northeast Louisiana Veterans Home in Monroe, a spokesperson said this week.

One veteran has died.

The spokesperson says the home has tested all veterans as a precautionary measure. Of those testing positive, three are in the hospital and five are living in the facility.

They also say they are working with state officials to get more test kits so they can test all of their staff soon.

The spokesperson adds: “As we have throughout this pandemic, our Northeast Louisiana Veterans Home staff will continue to follow all recommended CDC and Louisiana Office of Public Health protocols in caring for our veterans. We continue to call our veterans’ families through personal phone calls to update each family regularly on the status of COVID-19 in our home. We are currently working with state officials to obtain additional test kits in order to test all of our staff at this time. We hope to complete that process this week. We want to thank our dedicated employees and to express our continued gratitude to our veterans’ families and the Monroe and surrounding communities for their ongoing support of our home and our staff.”

