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Sock, blanket drive has low turnout, continues this week



MONROE, La. – Socks and blankets—they’re things most of us have and use daily without thinking twice about it. But for some, they’re hard to come by.

Some people in need in the Monroe area find these items at Grace Place Ministries, a nonprofit that has a soup kitchen and clothing closet.

When members of 31 Ambassadors volunteered at the soup kitchen recently, they were told a lot of people come there for blankets and socks.

So 31 Ambassadors decided to hold a sock and blanket drive on campus last week.

They asked students to donate any socks and blankets they could spare to be donated to Grace Place.

But only two students donated. So this week at the t-shirt swap, 31 Ambassadors will be accepting socks and blankets in exchange for a t-shirt.

Destiny Gilmore, one of the members who worked at the drive, said it’s important for students to donate because every student calls Monroe home at least temporarily, and people should help out others in their community.

“It’s important for us to give back to our community and leave an impact wherever you are no matter how long you may be here,” Gilmore said.

Karen Che, another member of 31 Ambassadors, said donation is not only helpful to the people on the receiving end, but to those giving as well. 

Che said a person can find their purpose through service.

“Donation is part of service, it’s something everyone should do,” Che said.

If you missed out on donating last week, the t-shirt swap is March 31 under the library overhang from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

You can swap another college’s shirt, a pair of socks or a blanket in exchange for a ULM t-shirt.

“Monroe is very fortunate to have a university that has students who are willing to take time out of their schedules and help out the community,” Gilmore said.

