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The Gumbo Show: A new podcast solely about the topic of Louisiana’s most famous dish



MANDEVILLE, La. – In our tumultuous times, there are few things that people agree on. One of those, however, is that gumbo is delicious.
That’s where the agreements often end. There are as many types of gumbo as there are gumbo cooks. And every person has a strong opinion about which type is right.
That’s why three friends earlier this year decided to launch ““The Gumbo Show,” a podcast to talk all things related to Louisiana’s most famous dish.
The brainchild of gumbo-obsessed Baton Rouge native Brent Barksdale, the show has quickly grown a devoted social media following and listener base. Brent recruited Faimon Roberts and Dave Huguenel, with whom he often exchanged gumbo pics, to join him on the show.
The Gumbo Show episodes are light-hearted chats that look at gumbo from roux to garnish, Creole to curry, sausage to seafood. They also dive into the often deeply personal stories people have about gumbo, from their mothers’ kitchens to the finest restaurants.
A series of engaging guests have jumped to share their own experiences with gumbo, whether they grew up in Louisiana or not. Have you ever put honey in a gumbo? One guest explains why you should. What about a gumbo dish that includes fried shrimp, boudin and American cheese? A Lafayette foodie describes why this works. Is a three-hour roux worth it? A third guest — a gumbo cookoff winner — gives a hard yes.
In one recent episode, food writer Brett Anderson, whose award winning work for the Times Picayune and New York Times has delved deep into the complex and fascinating world of gumbo, dropped in to share some knowledge.
“It’s been wild. I’ve probably talked about and eaten more gumbo since this show started than ever before – and I love gumbo,” said Faimon Roberts, one of the hosts of the show. “It’s great to see how a singular dish can create so many diverse opinions and start so many conversations.”
“We try to make sure every episode is fun and engaging” said Dave Huguenel. “I’ve had so many people reach out to let me know that they tried making gumbo for the first time or share a recipe trick they use. If this show convinces just a few folks to try a taste of Louisiana, then I call that a success.”
To listen to any episodes of “The Gumbo Show,” visit and find links to episodes on the podcast platform of their choice. “The Gumbo Show” is also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

