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Frontline workers share COVID-19 concerns with President-elect Joe Biden



MONROE, La. – President-elect Joe Biden held a virtual roundtable with frontline workers on Wednesday afternoon.

An ICU nurse, a firefighter paramedic, a school nurse, and a homecare worker told Biden about the things they believe need to happen in their lines of work to improve the situation.

Nurse Mary Turner described what she’s seeing at an ICU in Minnesota saying nurses she knows are feeling extremely anxious right now and talked about holding the hands of dying patients. She also talked about taking care of coworkers who got sick fighting COVID-19.

Homecare worker Brittany Williams said she’s afraid of unknowingly passing COVID-19 between her patients as she goes from home to home. Firefighter paramedic Anthony Murray talked about the lack of personal protective equipment as they make the first contact with people on the frontlines. He said some agencies have to turn to the open market to get the supplies they need.

