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More Louisiana workers are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine



MONROE, La.— It’s also known as priority group 1-B Tier 2, and this allows a much larger population of workers to be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The list for this group is expansive, but covers one industry like transportation. Monroe Transit never stopped operating, but COVID made it difficult for workers and riders. However, the vaccine has this industry hopeful for an extra layer of protection.

“Working in an environment where you’re trying to do everything you can do, but , a lot of this, how you actually contract the disease and all of those things, is really unknown. So now, you have a protective barrier by having the vaccine” says Marc Keenan, General Manager of Monroe Transit

Some bus riders have mixed reviews on it.

“I take the bus everyday to and from school. To be honest with you, me personally, I don’t believe in it. But if this makes everybody feel safe, I think it’s safe so I’m going to go along with the program so I can get to and from school and make everything right for myself, and my family, and my grandkids” says bus rider Eric Gene.

Restaurant and bar workers are also included in this group. Brass Monkey and 519 Tap House are hoping this is a step in the right direction.

“It’s been very rough” Shannon Haley, General Manager at Brass Monkey & Five19 Tap House said. With us being servers, and you know, with everyone being locked in their house for the past year, they’re ready to come out. everyone is ready to get past this, so if this is going to help that, then we’re 100% down with it” she says.

The next tier of people to receive vaccines is the remainder of the population. at least at this time, it is not known when they’re going to be receiving their vaccines, but we’ll continue to keep you updated as that information becomes available.

