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Report calls for better data protection at Louisiana-Monroe



MONROE, La. — A state audit report says the University of Louisiana at Monroe needs to do more to protect student data.

The report from the state Legislative Auditor does not find that student data has been compromised, according to The News-Star. But, it says, the university needs to do a formal risk assessment and develop a detailed plan to meet federal requirements.

The audit report was on the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020, and on procedures for a period from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, according to the newspaper.

In a response, ULM President Ron Berry said university officials were already working on a remedy.

Berry said the final risk assessment report is due by May 31, and it will cover federal law requirements cited in the audit report. He said improved controls will be in place by Dec. 15.

The auditor’s report said improvements were needed in employee management and training, information processing and monitoring to prevent attacks or system failures.

