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St. Francis COVID-19 patient discharged from the hospital



MONROE, La.–A St. Francis patient was discharged from the hospital earlier today as staff lined the hallways with a celebration

Nurses and doctors lined the halls cheering and clapping as jimmy woods left the hospital.

At the main entrance he was met by his wife and grandchildren who gave him hugs and smiles as they were finally happy to see him leave.

Thomas Gullatt, Director of hospital intensive program at St. Francis says, “Everyone including the physicians has put in an awful lot of work to try to get him to this point, his family has been so supportive and we are just thrilled to see him get to the point where he can leave this institution and go get some more therapy.”

NBC 10’s Mya Hudgins will have the full story with Jimmy Woods’ grandson and wife of 53 years coming up tomorrow night at 10 p-m.

